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Date Picker

Configuring date formats for Date Picker.

Date Picker can be configured to display dates and parse user input in a specific format. In Flow, you can control the date format using Java locales or custom date format patterns. The default format is based on the user’s locale. In React and Lit, you can customize the date format with custom functions. The default format is US English.

Two-digit year formats are supported, and you can set the reference date for determining the century of the 2-digit year in Flow, React, and Lit.

Using Java Locales in Flow

By default, Date Picker displays and parses dates using the user’s locale (reference). Setting a specific locale ensures that all users see the same format.

In the example here, the Date Picker is set to the date format used in Finland:

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Locale finnishLocale = new Locale("fi", "FI");

DatePicker datePicker = new DatePicker("Select a date:");

The date format that’s used based on the locale depends on the specific browser implementation. It might not be reliable when expecting a specific pattern. For finer control over the date format, see the next section.

Using Custom Date Formats in Flow

Date Picker allows you to configure a custom date format pattern that defines exactly how dates should be displayed and how user input should be parsed. Additional parsing formats can be provided to support entering dates in different formats.

Parsing is first tried with the primary format, then by additional parsing formats in the order that they’re provided.

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// Setup date picker with a single custom format `yyyy-MM-dd` for
// displaying dates and parsing user input
// Custom date formats are specified using the date pickers
// internationalization API
DatePicker.DatePickerI18n singleFormatI18n = new DatePicker.DatePickerI18n();

DatePicker singleFormatDatePicker = new DatePicker("Select a date:");

// Setup date picker with a primary format and additional parsing
// formats
// Date is always displayed using the primary format `yyyy-MM-dd`
// When parsing user input, the date picker first attempts to match the
// input with the primary format `yyyy-MM-dd`, then `MM/dd/yyyy`, and
// finally `dd.MM.yyyy`
DatePicker.DatePickerI18n multiFormatI18n = new DatePicker.DatePickerI18n();
multiFormatI18n.setDateFormats("yyyy-MM-dd", "MM/dd/yyyy",

DatePicker multiFormatDatePicker = new DatePicker("Select a date:");

A custom date format pattern is a string that consists of specific symbols that specify how and where a part of the date (i.e., day, month, or year) should be displayed. The following symbols are recognized as parts of the date in a pattern:

Code Description


Day of the month, as one or two digits (e.g., 1, 31).


Day of the month, padded to two digits (e.g., 01, 31).


Month, as one or two digits (e.g., 1, 12).


Month, padded to two digits (e.g., 01, 12).


Year, using two digits (e.g., 23).


Year, using four digits (e.g., 2023).

Other characters, such as separators (e.g., /, ., -) or spaces may be used in a pattern. Below are some examples of how you might use these date format codes:

Pattern Example Value Description



United States date format.



ISO 8601 date format.

d. M. yyyy

26. 8. 2021

Croatian date format using spaces.



Date format using only day and month.

Custom date patterns take precedence over the configured locale. When using both at the same time, the custom date pattern is used to display and parse dates.

Server-Side Parsing in Flow

The Flow version of Date Picker also allows you to provide a server-side parser that may be used as a fallback when user input can’t be parsed using the methods described previously. The parser is a function that receives the user entered string and returns either a parsed date or an error message. Successfully parsed dates are displayed in the field using the same pattern as other dates.

The server-side parser can be used to support shortcuts for quickly entering dates (e.g., +1 or tomorrow). In the following example, try entering +1, -2, and foobar to see the server-side parser in action:

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datePicker.setFallbackParser((s) -> {
    LocalDate now =;
    if (s.matches("\\+\\d+")) {
        // Handle input such as "+1"
        return Result
    if (s.matches("-\\d+")) {
        // Handle input such as "-1"
        return Result
    return Result.error("Invalid date format");

Using Custom Functions in React & Lit

When using the web component stand-alone, custom functions can be configured to display and parse the date. The default format is US English.

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function formatDateIso8601(dateParts: DatePickerDate) {
  const { year, month, day } = dateParts;
  const date = new Date(year, month, day);

  return dateFnsFormat(date, 'yyyy-MM-dd');

function parseDateIso8601(inputValue: string) {
  const date = dateFnsParse(inputValue, 'yyyy-MM-dd', new Date());

  return { year: date.getFullYear(), month: date.getMonth(), day: date.getDate() };

function Example() {
  const selectedDateValue = useSignal(dateFnsFormat(new Date(), 'yyyy-MM-dd'));

  const datePickerRef = useRef<DatePickerElement>(null);
  useEffect(() => {
    const datePicker = datePickerRef.current;
    if (datePicker) {
      datePicker.i18n = {
        formatDate: formatDateIso8601,
        parseDate: parseDateIso8601,
  }, [datePickerRef.current]);

  return (
      label="Select a date:"
      helperText="Date picker configured to use ISO 8601 format"
      onValueChanged={(event) => {
        selectedDateValue.value = event.detail.value;

The previous example uses the third-party library date-fns to implement the custom formatting and parsing functions. It needs to be added as a separate dependency to the project.

Two-Digit Year Formats

Date Picker supports date formats with 2-digit years (e.g., dd.MM.yy). When parsing a 2-digit year, the component must decide as to which century the year belongs. For example, a year entered as 62 could be interpreted either as 1862, 1962, or 2062.

Two-digit years are interpreted as being within a one-hundred year range whose midpoint is called the reference date. For example, a reference date of 2000-01-01 means that the date entered is interpreted as being within the range 1950-01-01 to 2049-12-31. Given that parameter, the year 50 is parsed to 1950 while 49 is parsed to 2049.

The reference date defaults to the current date, but you can set it to a different date with the internationalization API:

DatePicker.DatePickerI18n i18n = new DatePicker.DatePickerI18n();
i18n.setReferenceDate(LocalDate.of(1980, 2, 2));

When using a display format with a 4-digit year, years prior to 1000 are displayed padded with leading zeroes to avoid ambiguity.

Display formats with 2-digit years should only be used with 2-digit parsing formats. Using a display format with 2-digit years (yy), together with parsing formats with 4-digit years (yyyy) can cause unexpected behavior, and should be avoided.