
Documentation versions (currently viewingVaadin 24)

Upgrading from Early Hilla Versions

Upgrading to the latest version of Hilla is an excellent idea. It allows you to take advantage of all that Hilla has to offer. On this page are two major sections: upgrading from 2.x to 24.4.0, which is covered in the next section; and upgrading from Hilla 1.x from Hilla 2.0, which is explained in the subsequent major section.

Upgrading from 2.x to 24.4.0

Upgrading from Hilla 2.x to 24.4.0 involves several important steps across different parts of a project. This guide provides detailed instructions to ensure a smooth transition, covering changes from build configurations to source code adjustments.

It may take some time, but upgrading to Vaadin 24.4.0 means your project will utilize the new Vaadin Unified Platform, not just the Hilla framework.

Changes in Build Related Files
Regardless of how you build your project, the changes listed below are relevant to all Hilla projects. However, when it comes to changes in build-related files, you can refer to Maven Projects: pom.xml Changes or Gradle Projects: Configuration Changes, according to the type of build tool you use.

Maven Projects: pom.xml Changes

To update your Maven project to use Vaadin 24.4.0, you’ll need to adjust your pom.xml as explained in each step that follows.

Rename hilla.version Property

Update the property name that defines the framework version, from hilla.version property to vaadin.version. Then set its value to 24.4.x, or rather the version you’re using. This change ensures that all subsequent dependencies use the correct version variable:

-    <hilla.version>2.x</hilla.version>
+    <vaadin.version>24.4.0</vaadin.version>

Replace Hilla BOM with Vaadin BOM

Change the Bill of Materials (BOM) from Hilla to Vaadin. This will ensure that your project uses compatible versions of Vaadin libraries:

-        <dependency>
-            <groupId>dev.hilla</groupId>
-            <artifactId>hilla-bom</artifactId>
-            <version>${hilla.version}</version>
-            <type>pom</type>
-            <scope>import</scope>
-        </dependency>
+        <dependency>
+            <groupId>com.vaadin</groupId>
+            <artifactId>vaadin-bom</artifactId>
+            <version>${vaadin.version}</version>
+            <type>pom</type>
+            <scope>import</scope>
+        </dependency>

Update Hilla Core Dependency

Replace the core Hilla library dependency with the equivalent Vaadin library:

-    <dependency>
-        <groupId>dev.hilla</groupId>
-        <artifactId>hilla</artifactId>
-    </dependency>
+    <dependency>
+        <groupId>com.vaadin</groupId>
+        <artifactId>vaadin</artifactId>
+    </dependency>

Update Spring Boot Starter for Hilla

Change the Hilla Spring Boot starter dependency to Vaadin’s Spring Boot starter:

-    <dependency>
-        <groupId>dev.hilla</groupId>
-        <artifactId>hilla-spring-boot-starter</artifactId>
-    </dependency>
+    <dependency>
+        <groupId>com.vaadin</groupId>
+        <artifactId>vaadin-spring-boot-starter</artifactId>
+    </dependency>

Handle React-Spring Boot Starter

Ensure that any React-specific Spring Boot starters are also updated:

-    <dependency>
-        <groupId>dev.hilla</groupId>
-        <artifactId>hilla-react-spring-boot-starter</artifactId>
-    </dependency>
+    <dependency>
+        <groupId>com.vaadin</groupId>
+        <artifactId>vaadin-spring-boot-starter</artifactId>
+    </dependency>

Replace the Hilla Maven Plugin

Switch the Maven plugin from Hilla to Vaadin to use Vaadin’s build plugin capabilities:

-       <plugin>
-           <groupId>dev.hilla</groupId>
-           <artifactId>hilla-maven-plugin</artifactId>
-       </plugin>
+       <plugin>
+           <groupId>com.vaadin</groupId>
+           <artifactId>vaadin-maven-plugin</artifactId>
+       </plugin>
Hilla Maven Plugin Occurrences
Note that the Hilla Maven plugin normally appears in more than one place in the pom.xml file. Be sure to replace all occurrences with the Vaadin Maven plugin.

Hilla React Projects

For projects specifically utilizing Hilla React, some dependencies can now be removed as they’re already included within the standard Vaadin 24.4.0 artifacts.

Remove the dev.hilla:hilla-react Dependency

With the integration of Hilla functionalities into Vaadin core artifacts, the separate dev.hilla:hilla-react dependency is no longer required and should be removed from your project’s dependency management to avoid redundancy and potential conflicts.

    <!-- other dependencies -->
-   <dependency>
-       <groupId>dev.hilla</groupId>
-       <artifactId>hilla-react</artifactId>
-   </dependency>
    <!-- other dependencies -->

Confirm that all functionalities are operational post update. Vaadin should natively support all previously Hilla-specific features.

Java Sources Changes

Update Java source files to reflect the new package names. Replace all occurrences of dev.hilla to com.vaadin.hilla, for example, in imports:

- import dev.hilla.BrowserCallable;
- import dev.hilla.Nullable;
- import dev.hilla.crud.CrudRepositoryService;
+ import com.vaadin.hilla.BrowserCallable;
+ import com.vaadin.hilla.Nullable;
+ import com.vaadin.hilla.crud.CrudRepositoryService;

Frontend Source Changes

When upgrading to Vaadin 24.4.0, it’s crucial to update import paths in your TypeScript and TSX files to align with the new package names provided by Vaadin.

The general rule is to replace all occurrences of @hilla/ with @vaadin/hilla-, and there is only two exceptions to this rule which are about @hilla/form which should be replaced with @vaadin/hilla-lit-form, and @hilla/react-components/…​ which should be replaced with '@vaadin/react-components/…​. Hence, do the replacements in the following order:

Update @hilla/form Module Imports

Change @hilla/form to @vaadin/hilla-lit-form:

- import { Binder, field } from '@hilla/form';
+ import { Binder, field } from '@vaadin/hilla-lit-form';

Update @hilla/react-components Module Imports

Change @hilla/react-components/ to @vaadin/react-components/:

- import { TextField } from '@hilla/react-components/TextField.js';
+ import { TextField } from '@vaadin/react-components/TextField.js';

General Update for Remaining @hilla/ Occurrences

Ensure that any remaining imports using the old @hilla/ namespace are updated to @vaadin/hilla-:

- import { something } from '@hilla/some-module';
+ import { something } from '@vaadin/hilla-some-module';

This includes updates to any miscellaneous modules that may not have been explicitly listed above, but are part of the Hilla suite.

Update Generated Path Imports

In case you’ve used Hilla CRUD helpers (e.g., AutoCRUD, AutoGrid, and AutoForm), there is chance that you imported generated paths from the old Hilla structure. You need to update these paths according to the new Vaadin package structure:

- import type FilterUnion from 'Frontend/generated/dev/hilla/crud/filter/FilterUnion.js';
- import type OrFilter from 'Frontend/generated/dev/hilla/crud/filter/OrFilter.js';
+ import type FilterUnion from 'Frontend/generated/com/vaadin/hilla/crud/filter/FilterUnion.js';
+ import type OrFilter from 'Frontend/generated/com/vaadin/hilla/crud/filter/OrFilter.js';

Update Authentication Code

Starting from Vaadin 24.4, the login() and logout() Hilla authentication methods automatically reload the page upon successful result from the server. Applications involving client-side handling of successful result, for example, for user info retrieval and offline storage, need to use the onSuccess() callback instead of awaiting the Promise result.

You can check if your application relies on the authentication result by searching for the login() and logout() in TypeScript source files. Move any code that depends on the successful result to the onSuccess() callback:

- import { login as loginImpl, LoginResult, logout as logoutImpl } from '@vaadin/hilla-frontend';
+ import { login as loginImpl, LoginOptions, LoginResult, logout as logoutImpl, LogoutOptions } from '@vaadin/hilla-frontend';
import { appStore } from './stores/app-store';

// ...

 * Login wrapper method that retrieves user information.
export async function login(username: string, password: string, options: LoginOptions = {}): Promise<LoginResult> {
-   const result = await loginImpl(username, password);
-   if (!result.error) {
-     // Get user info from endpoint
-     await appStore.fetchUserInfo();
-   }
-   return result;
+   return await loginImpl(username, password, {
+     ...options,
+     async onSuccess() {
+       // Get user info from endpoint
+       await appStore.fetchUserInfo();
+     },
+   });

 * Logout wrapper method that retrieves user information.
export async function logout(options: LogoutOptions = {}) {
-   await logoutImpl();
-   appStore.clearUserInfo();
+   await logoutImpl({
+     ...options,
+     onSuccess() {
+       appStore.clearUserInfo();
+     },
+   });

By default, the server location is used as the destination after login success.

Update the Login Form

Applications that use custom navigation to proceed after the login success, such as the ones with Lit login form, need to use the navigate callback for customizing the default page reload. Update the login view in Lit applications as follows:

// ...

export class LoginView extends LitElement implements AfterEnterObserver {
  // the url to redirect to after a successful login
  private returnUrl?: string;

-  private onSuccess = (result: LoginResult) => {
-    window.location.href = result.redirectUrl || this.returnUrl || result.defaultUrl || '/';
-  };

// ...

  async login(event: CustomEvent): Promise<LoginResult> {
    this.error = false;
    // use the login helper method from auth.ts, which in turn uses
    // Vaadin provided login helper method to obtain the LoginResult
-    const result = await login(event.detail.username, event.detail.password);
+    const result = await login(event.detail.username, event.detail.password, {
+      navigate: (toPath: string) => {
+        // Consider absolute path to be within the application context.
+        const serverUrl = toPath.startsWith('/') ? new URL(`.${toPath}`, document.baseURI) : toPath;
+        // If a login redirect was initiated by the client router, this.returnUrl contains the original destination.
+        // Otherwise, use the URL provided by the server.
+        // As we do not know if the target is a resource or a Hilla view or a Flow view, we cannot just use Router.go
+        window.location.replace(this.returnUrl ?? serverUrl);
+      }
+    });
    this.error = result.error;

-    if (!result.error) {
-      this.onSuccess(result);
-    }
    return result;

If the Hilla default page reload navigation is sufficient, the custom navigation in the login form could be removed. For example, applications with React login view could be updated as follows:

export default function LoginView() {
  const hasError = useSignal<boolean>(false);

-  if (state.user && url.value) {
-    const path = new URL(url.value, document.baseURI).pathname;
-    return <NavigateAndReload to={path} />;
-  }
  return (
      onLogin={async ({ detail: { username, password } }) => {
-        const { defaultUrl, error, redirectUrl } = await login(username, password);
-        if (error) {
-          hasError.value = true;
-        } else {
-          url.value = redirectUrl ?? defaultUrl ?? '/';
-        }
+        const { error } = await login(username, password);
+        hasError.value = Boolean(error);

Move frontend Directory to src/main

In Vaadin 24.4.0, the frontend directory is moved to src/main, by default. If your project is not yet following this structure, you can move the frontend directory to src/main to align with the new Vaadin conventions. This change is recommended for consistency and compatibility with future Vaadin releases.

React File Router

Vaadin 24.4.0 comes with a File-System based router for React applications, and it’s enabled by default. This means that the Frontend/views directory will be scanned for React components and the routes are being generated based on the file-system structure of files under Frontend/views. However, if your project already has a routes.tsx file under Frontend directory, this will disable the File-System based router from being used. If you want to enable this new feature, though, read about it in File-Based Routing.

Gradle Projects: Configuration Changes

Gradle-based projects require updates to several files to accommodate the new Vaadin 24.4.0 platform. Follow these steps meticulously to update your Gradle configuration files.

Rename hillaVersion Property

Update the hillaVersion property to vaadinVersion, and set the value to the latest 24.4.x:

- hillaVersion=2.x
+ vaadinVersion=24.4.x

Don’t forget to update any references in settings.gradle and build.gradle.

Replace Hilla BOM in build.gradle

Change the Bill of Materials (BOM) from Hilla to Vaadin in your dependencyManagement closure:

dependencyManagement {
    imports {
-        implementation platform('dev.hilla:hilla-bom:${hillaVersion}')
+        implementation platform('com.vaadin:vaadin-bom:${vaadinVersion}')

Update Hilla Core Dependency

Replace any core Hilla library dependency with the equivalent Vaadin library in your build.gradle:

dependencies {
-    implementation 'dev.hilla:hilla'
+    implementation 'com.vaadin:vaadin'

Update Spring Boot Starter for Hilla

Change the Hilla Spring Boot starter dependency to Vaadin’s Spring Boot starter:

dependencies {
-    implementation 'dev.hilla:hilla-spring-boot-starter'
+    implementation 'com.vaadin:vaadin-spring-boot-starter'

Handle React-Spring Boot Starter

Ensure that any React-specific Spring Boot starters are also updated:

dependencies {
-    implementation 'dev.hilla:hilla-react-spring-boot-starter'
+    implementation 'com.vaadin:vaadin-spring-boot-starter'

Replace Hilla Gradle Plugin

Switch the Gradle plugin from Hilla to Vaadin to utilize latest Vaadin’s build capabilities:

plugins {
-    id 'dev.hilla' version '2.x'
+    id 'com.vaadin' version '24.4.0'

Hilla React Projects

For projects that specifically utilize Hilla React, some dependencies can now be removed as they’re already included within the standard Vaadin 24.4.0 artifacts.

Remove dev.hilla:hilla-react Dependency

With the integration of Hilla functionalities into Vaadin core artifacts, the separate dev.vaadin:hilla-react dependency is no longer required and should be removed from your project’s dependency management to avoid redundancy and potential conflicts.

dependencies {
-    implementation 'dev.hilla:hilla-react'

Confirm that all functionalities are operational post update. Vaadin should natively support all previously Hilla-specific features.

Building for Production

For building the project for production, you should use vaadin.productionMode instead of using the old hilla.productionMode property:

./gradlew -Pvaadin.productionMode build

Final Checks

After making these changes, be sure to test thoroughly your application to verify that all dependencies are correctly linked and functioning as expected. Look for any warnings or errors in your console related to module imports or path issues, and resolve them.

Upgrading to Hilla 2.0 from Hilla 1.x

To migrate a Hilla 1.x application to Hilla 2.0, you’ll have to change several things in your application. Many of the breaking changes in Hilla 2 were introduced by the following updates of the underlying Java platform dependencies:

Jakarta EE 10 & Servlet 6

Hilla 2 is based on Servlet 6 specifications and is compatible with the Jakarta EE 10. Changing from javax. to jakarta. is required for validation and some nullability annotations in Java.

Spring Boot 3

Hilla 2 uses the latest Spring Boot 3 and Spring Framework 6 versions. This leads in turn to making breaking changes in Spring-based features compared to earlier Spring-boot 2 and Spring Framework 5 versions.

Java 17

Hilla 2 requires Java 17 or later. This is dictated by Spring framework and newer versions of application servers.

In addition to these changes in Hilla dependencies, below are notable changes in the framework itself:

Multi-Module Endpoints Parser & Generator

Hilla 2 changes the parser and generator used to produce TypeScript code for endpoints. As a result, some adjustments to code for Java endpoints and entities in Hilla applications might be required. The hillaEngine experimental feature flag was removed.

Reactive Endpoints

Released previously as an experimental feature behind the hillaPush feature flag, reactive endpoints are now enabled by default.

Vaadin Components 24

Hilla 2 complements Vaadin Flow 24 release. The Vaadin components, introduced in version 24, support styling using the ::part() CSS selector. They come with some changes that affect styling the component internals.


Before migrating any application, a few tasks must be done. They’re described in the sub-sections here.

Set Up Node.js

Install an up-to-date version of Node.js 18 before starting a Hilla 2 migration. Be sure to have node executables in the PATH environment variable. Follow the Node.js installation instructions.

Maven Wrapper

Hilla 2 requires either a Maven wrapper script in the application, or the mvn executable in the environment, for configuring the endpoints parser and generator from the settings declared pom.xml.

If your project has mvnw and mvnw.cmd Maven wrapper scripts, Hilla 2 uses them to install and run Maven. The Maven Wrapper website offers download links and instructions for installing it in a project.

For installing Maven in your system environment, see the Installing Apache Maven documentation page.

Hilla Dependency Upgrade

Upgrade the Hilla version in the pom.xml file to the latest release like so:


You can find the latest version number in the GitHub Hilla releases list.

Jakarta EE 10 Namespaces

You can download from GitHub a couple of free tools for the package name conversion: Eclipse Transformer; and Apache Migration Tool.

When applied to a project, these tools convert as needed Java class imports, manifests, property files, and other resources to use the jakarta.* namespace. Conversion instructions can be found in each tool’s README file.

The last versions of IntelliJ IDEA offers migration refactoring tools, including a Java EE to Jakarta EE package converter.

Make sure the Jakarta specifications in your project have the proper versions. Refer to the full list of Jakarta EE 10 specifications for more information.

Below are some examples:


Spring Upgrade Instructions

Spring Boot 3 and Spring Framework 6 don’t fundamentally change how applications are developed. The main changes are related to Jakarta EE 10 namespaces and supported products, Java version, and the dependency upgrades and deprecations.

Spring Boot 3 and Framework 6 use new versions of third-party dependencies: Hibernate 6, Hibernate Validator 8, servlet containers — Jetty 11, Tomcat 10.1 and many others.

To browse the full list of changes, see the Spring-boot 3.0 Release Notes and the What’s New in Spring Framework 6.x page.

The following sub-sections provide a general overview of the changes needed for Spring-based Vaadin applications.

Upgrade Spring to Latest

You’ll need to upgrade Spring to the latest versions, including the starter parent dependency:



Deprecated VaadinWebSecurityConfigurerAdapter was removed since Spring no longer has the WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter class. Use instead the VaadinWebSecurity base class for your security configuration. Below is an example of this:

public class SecurityConfig extends VaadinWebSecurity {

    private String authSecret;

    protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {

        // Disable creating and using sessions in Spring Security

        // Register your login view to the view access checker mechanism
        setLoginView(http, "/login");

        // Enable stateless authentication
                new SecretKeySpec(Base64.getDecoder().decode(authSecret), 1
                        JwsAlgorithms.HS256), 2
                "com.example.application" 3