
Documentation versions (currently viewingVaadin 24)

License Validation & Troubleshooting

How commercial product license validation works, and how to get and use license keys.

Vaadin core includes an extensive set of technologies and components that are free to use. Vaadin core is available under the terms of the Apache License 2.0, which allows you to use the included technologies and components in any project, even commercially.

You need a commercial license only if you use one of the commercial components (such as, Vaadin Charts) or tools (such as, Vaadin TestBench). If your project includes such components or tools, a commercial license is needed for development and to build the production application.

In general, you don’t need a license after deploying an application to production. The only exception is Collaboration Kit, which requires a license for production use, and it’s priced per end user. See Collaboration Kit documentation for details.

License Validation on a Local Machine

On a local machine, the licenses for commercial components and tools are checked automatically using your Vaadin account. The first time you use a commercial component or tool, you are asked to log in to to validate your license.

Once validated, you can continue developing your project. Under the hood, a license key is created on your machine in the following location:


Offline License Key

If your local development environment is offline and can’t reach, you need to download an offline license key.

Each offline license key is tied to a machine ID, in the form of mid-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx, that you submit to to download an offline license key.

Once you have downloaded the offlineKey file (remove any .txt suffix), you should place it in your home directory:


Machine ID

You can find your machine ID in the logs when you try to use a commercial component or tool offline without an existing license key, or by running the following commands on your machine:

mvn dependency:get -Dartifact=com.vaadin:license-checker-machineid:1.8.1
java -jar %userprofile%\.m2\repository\com\vaadin\license-checker-machineid\1.8.1\license-checker-machineid-1.8.1.jar

License Validation on a CI/CD or Build Server

For CI/CD/build servers, you need to download a server license key. Server license keys can only be used for production builds. You can download a server license key (an offlineKey file) from

You should place the offlineKey file in the home directory of the CI server:


You can also give the license key using the vaadin.offlineKey system property or the VAADIN_OFFLINE_KEY environment variable. Copy the license key string value from the offlineKey file.

mvn -Dvaadin.offlineKey=[contents of offlineKey file here] ...


You can contact for further help.

I Get A Trial Message Although I Have A Valid License

Verify that you have a valid license by going to If not, either your company’s license administrator hasn’t yet assigned a seat for you, or the license is no longer valid.

SSLHandshakeException with Multiplatform Runtime

This is a known error in SSLHandshakeException reported by users of WebSphere Liberty and WildFly in Docker. See the following discussion for more details:
