Vaadin Blog
BlackBeltFactory made with Vaadin - part 2 - Usage
This post is about, a community for learning Java related technologies. 70,000 members contributed to building 100+ exams and great courses over the years. Typically developers go there to: Take free exams Take distant courses with a coach Contribute to the courses and exams ...
BlackBeltFactory made with Vaadin - part 1 - Selection
This post is about, a community for learning Java related technologies. 70,000 members contributed to building 100+ exams and great courses over the years. Typically developers go there to: Take free exams Take distant courses with a coach Contribute to the courses and exams ...
Vaadin Developer Meetup, March 11th, London
Next week we'll arrange a Vaadin Developer Meetup on March 11th in London, UK. The core of the relaxed developer-to-developer event is discussions about Vaadin roadmap, future development and showing each other what has been done with Vaadin. Just drop in for a chat with fellow developers, rant ...
DZone Refcard Getting Started with Vaadin
The Vaadin Refcard is finally out at DZone. If you're a newcomer to Vaadin or interested in finding out what it is, the Refcard offers a great introduction to Vaadin. Much of the reference material should be also useful to those already familiar with Vaadin. The six pages of the Refcard present a ...
Meet Us at Jfokus 2010
Jfokus 2010 is the biggest Java conference in Sweden. Vaadin will be there on January 27, 2010. The conference seems to be sold out, but if you already have a conference pass come and meet us at the booth 14. We'll show you how Java-only web applications are built with Vaadin. Like in some ...
Vaadin 6.2.0 is available
We are very proud to present the Vaadin 6.2.0 and Eclipse Integration Plugin 1.1. We demoed the Vaadin 6.2 already few weeks ago at the Vaadin Developer Meetup. Many active developers using Vaadin have already been trying out the 6.2 series snapshot before the official release. I'll explain what ...
The Meetup Was a Success
The first Vaadin Developer Meetup was held yesterday at Logica Finland headquarters in Helsinki, Finland. The event was a real success with around 70 attendees and great presentations. As the first pre-release version Vaadin 6.2 was also released yesterday we had a great introduction into the new ...
Vaadin Developer Meetup Helsinki
We'll arrange in co-operation with Logica a Vaadin developer meetup on December 3 in Helsinki, Finland (Pitäjänmäki to be exact). The core of the relaxed developer-to-developer event is discussions on roadmaps, future development and showing each other what has been done with Vaadin. You are ...
Forum reaches 5000 posts
We reached 5000 messages today in the Vaadin forum. This is major milestone for the Vaadin community because the forum is central for communications, helping each other and for cooking up new ideas. Community growth since introduction of Vaadin has been fast - the number of messages per week has ...