Vaadin 24.4 integrates with React, unifies Flow and Hilla development, and more!

Expert Services

We can help you build business apps your users love
Let us help you

We help you to build business applications that your users love

We've built business web applications for almost all business verticals since the year 2000. From aerospace to insurance, logistics, healthcare and beyond, our clientele is as global and diverse as we are.

All of our projects ship with a common ingredient: An attractive UI with an engaging user experience that serves the business. We know how to transform your idea into a fully-fledged application with looks and features that your end-users will love.

Of fortune 500 companies
Years experience
Successful projects
Customer satisfaction score

Dedicated Vaadin Experts

Vaadin Experts can join your enterprise app projects to help build a UI that looks good and is easy to use while matching your business requirements. A dedicated Vaadin Expert brings a significant productivity boost to your development team raising it to the next level. The Experts work in close collaboration with you, and the team, ensuring there are no unpleasant surprises during development and that the result is optimal for your business.

Learn how we joined Lotterstiftet to simplify a complex problem with a great UI

Enterprise App Experts

Our architects and experts have seen a vast variety of enterprise applications across the different business verticals over the past 20 years. They can help your team make sure the necessary security, scalability and other non-functional requirements match your web app.

Find out how we improved the UX for hundreds of thousands of CGI Rondo users

Turn-key Solutions

We can help when you have a great idea but don't have anyone to build it. From scratch to finish, we build a UI in close partnership that attracts new customers, maintains current user happiness, and keeps the cost in check. We prototype the concept and design the app together, so you can be sure the finished app is a perfect fit for your business.

See the solution we built for the demanding requirements of the Kemira KemConnect platform

Vaadin approaches their software development from a usability and user interface standpoint, where most other people were focusing on very technical aspects first.
Merritt Dake
Merritt Dake

We’d love to help!

Do you need help with developing custom components, creating an engaging user experience or building something from the ground up? Contact us now to get started.