
Liferay European Symposium

Joonas Lehtinen
Joonas Lehtinen
On Oct 1, 2009 8:24:00 AM

 Just got back from Liferays European Symposium in Frankfurt

Great conference and great people - I can really recommend the conference to everyone interested in Liferay. Have been listening to many great presentations, including Sami's presentation on "how to build Liferay portlets with Vaadin".
Liferay comes built in with tons of really nice content publishing and web 2.0 type features. It defines a solid base to build communities and web sites/portals on. Because those features are more and more required by the business applications - we see Liferay Portal also as a perfect platform to build enterprise applications needing those features. With Vaadin based portlets for the "application like" parts and mixed with portlets what ship with Liferay Portal.
Besides the fact that Vaadin has supported Liferay for a while now, you may have noticed some subtle hints about something going on between Liferay and Vaadin, such as this, that and maybe even this. Because we see that Liferay and Vaadin are perfect match for building enterprice portals, there will be  even more integration coming up in future. Core developers of Vaadin and Liferay are actively working together with Liferay to make the  products work seamlessly together. 
Stay tuned.
- Joonas
Update: Sami put the source code online for the demo application he created during presentation.
Joonas Lehtinen
Joonas Lehtinen
Joonas is the CPO and co-founder of Vaadin. He has been working with web app development tools and technologies for over 20 years and speaks frequently in Java conferences around the world. Joonas lives is San Jose, CA, with his wife and 10 year old son. You can follow him on Twitter – @joonaslehtinen
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