The new version of the Vaadin Add-on Directory is live! For those using Vaadin and add-ons daily, this is not anything new. It has been in public beta for over six months, and you have likely tried it out already. But if you are new to Vaadin, or haven’t really paid attention to the work of the Vaadin open-source community, have a look:
The Vaadin Directory lists UI components, widgets, themes, and tools for the Vaadin Flow framework. With intuitive search capabilities, you can quickly find the components for your app. On the other hand, it allows component developers to showcase their products to a worldwide audience.
Here are some updates you will find in the new Vaadin Add-on Directory.
Simpler search
The simple search page is designed for developers to quickly and easily find the extensions they need. You can filter for a specific Vaadin version and use special search syntax to, e.g., find add-ons by owner.
Find compatible add-ons
The new compatibility matrix of “supported Vaadin versions” allows developers to quickly identify which Vaadin versions are supported and which ones do not.

Create a new project or install your current one
Quickly generate a new Maven project with the add-on dependency you need - a straightforward way to create a new Vaadin project. Alternatively, you can copy the dependency snippet and add it to your existing pom.xml. Alternatively, you can download the entire zip file with Javadocs and sources. If you are logged in, Directory also remembers your previous installs.
Open source is teamwork
Teamwork and collaboration are vital for any successful project, and Vaadin add-ons are no different. If an add-on project is hosted in GitHub, the add-on summary gives a quick overview for both contributors and users of the component. At the end of the add-on page, you will find the commenting sections to ask technical questions and provide feedback.
The new Vaadin Directory is also an incredible resource for any web developer and current Vaadin users. With a vast selection of packages, an easy search feature, and straightforward installation, it is an essential tool for everyone looking to quickly create a custom web UI for a Java backend. I hope you like it too.