
The Meetup Was a Success

Teemu Pöntelin
On Dec 4, 2009 12:25:00 PM

The first Vaadin Developer Meetup was held yesterday at Logica Finland headquarters in Helsinki, Finland. The event was a real success with around 70 attendees and great presentations.

As the first pre-release version Vaadin 6.2 was also released yesterday we had a great introduction into the new features held by Marc Englund from the Vaadin R&D team. In the middle of Marc's presentation we also had a great live coding demonstration by Henrik Paul on how to build a fully functional Vaadin 6.2 widget in less than 5 minutes. Impressive stuff!

We created a page for the event and will be adding presentation slides, photos and video material from the event shortly.

Thanks to all the attendees and speakers!

Teemu Pöntelin
Teemu Pöntelin has been working at Vaadin Ltd since 2008. He has been involved in various tasks ranging from large-scale Java EE application development to coming up with creative marketing ideas. You can follow him on Twitter – @teemupontelin
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