Vaadin Blog

Custom component unit and integration testing tips
How to make your custom component a robust building block of your UI. In this tutorial, I will share some more ideas in the domain of creating custom components. My previous blog post was about creating a custom component with Lit, this is the next chapter of the story. This time we will learn some ...

Building a React + Java app just got faster with Hilla 1.3
It’s been just over half a year since we introduced Hilla: A new open-source framework from Vaadin that helps you build reactive Java-based business applications faster. Hilla is designed for teams that want to combine a TypeScript frontend with a Spring Boot Java backend. Today, we are excited to ...

Vaadin 24 pre-release available for Spring Boot 3.0
With Spring Boot 3.0 now released, Vaadin Flow users may wonder about compatibility. Don’t worry! Vaadin 24 will be compatible with Spring Boot 3.0 and the pre-release is already available if you’re eager to be on the latest Spring Boot version. According to Spring, free support for Spring Boot 2.7 ...

PWAs for Business Applications: What Enterprise Dev Teams Need to Know
The benefits of Progressive Web Applications (PWA) for consumer apps and especially e-commerce apps are often reported. But beyond conversion, organic traffic, and daily active users, there are real benefits for business and enterprise applications – without additional effort, when using the right ...

Vaadin wins InfoWorld Bossie Award
The annual IDG’s InfoWorld Bossie Awards recognize the best business-oriented open source software products of the year. On October 17th, Vaadin had the honor of being recognized as one of the best open source software of 2022. InfoWorld’s columnist Andrew C. Oliver shared his view on why Vaadin ...

Observe your Flow applications
Observability (or o11y) is the ability to answer questions about your application and its infrastructure, no matter how complex. Our new Observability Kit assists developers in implementing it for Flow-based applications in order to obtain traceable, actionable information about their applications ...

The state of Java in the enterprise survey
Take the survey → According to the PYPL PopularitY of Programming Language Index, in November 2022, Java is the second most popular language in the world. This ranking is determined by analyzing requests for programming language tutorials on Google. In addition, Java also holds its position among ...

Optimistic view updates for latency compensation
In this tutorial, you'll learn how to keep your web app feeling fast even when your backend or connection is slow, using a technique called optimistic updating or latency compensation. The basic idea is that you update the view before calling the server, optimistically assuming things will work ...

Enterprise UX shouldn’t suck: How to build enterprise apps with the user in mind
Enterprise UX can be defined simply as UX for workplace apps. This refers to the apps that help employees run critical business processes for example in factories and financial and medical institutions. Internal apps used only in the workplace for timekeeping, compliance, and other organizational ...