Vaadin Blog

OpenID Connect authentication & Vaadin - An integration example using Quarkus
This blog post discusses the advantages of using OpenID Connect (OIDC) for handling authentication in web applications. It also provides an example of integrating OIDC with Vaadin using Quarkus, emphasizing the importance of security libraries and best practices when working with OIDC. OpenID ...

Styling made simple: Introducing the Vaadin Visual Theme Editor
But can you make it green? Theming and styling of an application can be a tedious task. The new Visual Theme Editor low code tool allows you to change the color, font size, etc., in your views – in real time – without code! When you implement changes, they are reflected in the live preview and your ...

What's new in Hilla 2.2: React form hook and hot reloading
Grids and forms are the workhorses of business applications. While Hilla already has a powerful grid component, creating forms has been more challenging than we would have liked. Hilla 2.2 fixes this by introducing a new form hook for React. ✍️ New React form support Building a robust form can be a ...

Building Java API for JavaScript libraries - The lightweight approach
Many Vaadin add-ons are wrappers around existing JavaScript libraries or components. The tooling and documentation in Vaadin are primarily targeted for the optimal case, where the wrapped component is a Web Component. The huge rewrite of the framework in version 10 was done largely to optimize this ...

Efficiently serving video files in Java web apps with HTTP range requests
Streaming video and audio content has become essential to modern web applications, providing users with an engaging and interactive experience. HTTP range requests are crucial to delivering these media files efficiently. Range requests allow for seeking within video and audio files, enhancing the ...

Vaadin's multilingual AI Form Filler helps developers build AI into business applications
In today's fast-paced business landscape, recognizing the importance of time and productivity is key. Business application users often invest many hours each day interacting with their core applications. One of the most common and time-consuming tasks in business applications involves filling out ...

Using microservices from Hilla
Hilla is a full-stack framework for building web applications with Spring Boot and React. It embraces the backends for frontends (BFF) pattern, where backend services are tailored for specific frontends. Hilla makes it easy to connect Java backends to TypeScript React frontends using type-safe RPC ...

Deploying a Spring Boot app as a native GraalVM image with Docker
In this final part of the Building an AI chatbot in Java series, we will deploy the Spring Boot AI chatbot application we've built as a GraalVM native image. Requirements The instructions in the article assume you are working with the Hilla Spring Boot application we've built in the series, but the ...

Building a ChatGPT-based AI bot using Spring Boot, React, and Hilla
In this article, we'll build a custom AI chatbot application using Hilla, Spring Boot, React, OpenAI (ChatGPT), and Pinecone. The chatbot is designed to answer Vaadin Flow and Hilla development questions using up-to-date documentation as reference material. My earlier blog post details the concept. ...