Vaadin Development Team Update 04/2013

Let’s start with the bad news: We have chosen to postpone Vaadin 7.1 beta 1 to the beginning of May with a stable release coming a month later. The main reason for this delay is that we want to tweak the push support by adding a couple of small features that we initially imagined we would not need ...

Vaadin Directory celebrates 3 years

Three years of Vaadin Directory Vaadin Directory has turned 3 years of age already. The Vaadin Framework itself features a lot of widgets and components, but it cannot have all the features in the world without becoming too big and unusable. The goal of the Vaadin Directory was to “make creation, ...

Accessibility with WAI-ARIA

I recently had the opportunity to work on WAI-ARIA additions to the Vaadin core framework. WAI-ARIA is short for Web Accessibility Initiative - Accessible Rich Internet Applications Suite. Through this, it is possible to make web application like the one's created with Vaadin accessible for ...

Agility and ISO 9001

If you are well informed about your own organization and your surroundings, it’s easier to serve customers and make good decisions. This was known already to Sun Tzu and is also one cornerstone of the ISO 9001 standard. ISO 9001 is a quality standard focusing on the very basics of the organization, ...

Vaadin 7 edition of Book of Vaadin

I am happy to announce that the new Vaadin 7 edition of the book just came out of print. The book is thicker than ever, perfect for bashing others over technical Vaadin details, and the color of the cover is this We will again be giving away copies for free at events which we ...

Sampler rethought

Frameworks are pretty hard to demo - they are just a pile of API that does not look much. It would take quite a while too long to see the beauty of the framework just by looking at the API. In case of UI frameworks, there is also a bunch of UI components, but even they are fairly hard to demo ...

Introducing Community Cloud

NOTE: This blog post is outdated and Community Cloud is no longer available. You can find updated information on how to deploy Vaadin applications here. We're excited to finally reveal something we've had under the covers for a while now. We're confident that this will be something that you, the ...

Vaadin Development Team Update 03/2013

It has mostly been business as usual since the last update - lots of small things worth mentioning but nothing as spectacular as the release of Vaadin 7.0.0 last month. Maybe the biggest of the small things is the first maintenance release for Vaadin 7, including a whopping 51 fixes and small ...

Vaadin Charts export from browser to SVG and PDF

Blog post by Matti Tahvonen: Like most new chart libraries of our era, Vaadin Charts was born for the web. Behind the scenes, we rely on the industry leading Highcharts JS library, which renders charts in the browser using the standard SVG vector format. Even though SVG had a rocky start, modern ...