New Book - Learning Vaadin 7

Learning Vaadin was one of the first books around Vaadin and its author, Nicolas Frankel, one of the first prominent evangelists outside Vaadin Ltd. The book takes a step-by-step approach to learning Vaadin 7 with not only focusing on Vaadin but surrounding technologies as well. The most prominent ...

Vaadin Dock magazine is ready

Vaadin’s Dock Magazine gathers the best and the latest stories about and around Vaadin - the roadmap for the framework, amazing customer cases and stories from the Vaadin office and people behind the magic. This October we updated the stories again and the brand new edition is ready for you to ...

Maven Overlays for Vaadin Projects

Maven is more or less the de facto system for managing dependencies and builds in Java applications these days. Whether this is good or bad is up to yourself to decide, but Maven is here to stay and by using it properly, you can actually do some pretty nice stuff with it. In this blog post, I’m ...

Your wait is over - Vaadin Plug-in for NetBeans is here

After having an unofficial plugin for NetBeans IDE since the year 2009 we are happy to announce the first version of Vaadin’s official plugin for NetBeans IDE. The unofficial plugin was almost an internal jest thanks to its development model. It was first loosely based on Vaadin’s own Teemu’s ...

Vaadin DEV team Update 9/2013

There are lots of things going on right now, so please bear with me while I struggle with keeping all the things on a suitable level of detail. The biggest change, literally implemented under the hood, is that we have reorganized the R&D department. For about two years, Vaadin Framework and all ...

Product Direction

Vaadin 7 was a huge thing for all of the Vaadin community. Where should we go next? Before jumping into details on what exactly we are going to be doing tomorrow, next month or by the end of the year, let's look at the big picture on what we are trying to do in a long run... Making building the ...

Vaadin at the University (Lecture 2)

Rise 'n' shine - it is Friday, and time for another Vaadin lecture. Previously I guided you through the process of installing Vaadin plugin into Eclipse. Now that you are ready to code, let’s get to know the most important building blocks of any Vaadin application: the UI components. Today’s ...

Contributing back to Vaadin

Being an open source project, our goal at Vaadin has always been to enable contributing to the framework as easily as possible. And we’ve accomplished that quite well - Vaadin wouldn’t be what it is today without your feedback and help. Everything we do is fully open in our public Trac system and ...

Introducing the UX wiki

As part of the Web Application Development with Vaadin university course held last winter by our very own Miki Olszewski, I had the pleasure of holding a 90 minute lecture on user interface and user experience design, with special focus on how to improve the usability of Vaadin applications. While ...