Learning Vaadin was one of the first books around Vaadin and its author, Nicolas Frankel, one of the first prominent evangelists outside Vaadin Ltd.
The book takes a step-by-step approach to learning Vaadin 7 with not only focusing on Vaadin but surrounding technologies as well. The most prominent changes to “Learning Vaadin” (version 6 edition) are:
- moving features from add-ons to features, the best example being Push
- adding a section about CDI support
- adding a section about declarative UIs
- upgrading versions of Gatein (for portals) and GlassFish (for OSGi)
- replacing Cloud Foundry deployment with Jelastic
- ...and of course the book now covering Vaadin 7
Also check out the author’s interview on DZone for a Q&A runthrough to understand the buzz around the book.
To see more and for ordering your copy (ePub, PDF, hard copy) check out Packt Publishing’s site.