
Get answers: Chat online with Vaadin Experts

Lilli Salo
Lilli Salo
On Aug 8, 2024 7:02:46 PM

Need instant access to Vaadin experts? With Vaadin Expert Chat, you can chat online directly with our team for best practices, architectural advice, API guidance, and more. Whether you're facing a complex problem or just need a quick tip, our experts are available at the click of a button anytime you need them.

Unlike teams at major tech companies that primarily support their internal application teams, Vaadin offers direct access to the very team that builds the Vaadin platform. We listen to your needs and provide hands-on assistance, helping companies like yours succeed in developing business applications that delight end users.

Read on to learn more about our Expert Chat service.

What is Vaadin's Expert Chat?

Vaadin Expert Chat gives you access to real-time assistance with tough technical questions – right from the developers behind the Vaadin platform.

Expert Chat is the everyday expert assistant that helps you answer any questions you have about Vaadin technology, from best practice advice to API integration. It works one-to-one to confidentially answer even the most complex framework queries.

Our experts help Vaadin users in every conceivable way. This could be as simple as applying CSS to a component, helping with in-depth troubleshooting, or ideas on approaching difficult tasks.

Expert Chat is included in a Vaadin Prime and Ultimate subscription. It can also function as a bridge to Expert on Demand if you want us to help you with a technical issue hands-on.

Meet the team behind Expert Chat

Real expertise isn’t automated expertise: real expertise involves real people. So, who works behind Vaadin Expert Chat? Let’s introduce you to the team:

Rodolfo Felipe
2 (2)A senior software engineer, Rodolfo is a technical success manager for US/Americas-based customers. Originally trained as a Telematics Engineer, Rodolfo was born and raised in the Dominican Republic but currently lives in Canada.

Using Vaadin since V8, Rodolfo worked in sectors including telecoms, renewables, finance and retail and developed an ability to understand virtually any customer scenario in Expert Chat. From licensing issues to component-related inquiries, Rodolfo is ready to help.

Sudebi Mukherjee
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A software engineer from Kolkata, India; Sudebi helps Vaadin customers with everything from complex queries to everyday questions around implementing the Vaadin framework.

Sudebi has a passion for cooking and enjoying delicious food. With many road trips to the majestic Himalayas behind her belt, Sudebi hopes to spend her retirement years in the serene Himalayas.


Johannes Tuikkala

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Also, a senior software engineer, Johannes, has over 16 years of Vaadin experience and knows Vaadin inside out (from version 4 to Vaadin 24!). Johannes works as a modernization specialist, advising customers on how to upgrade their Vaadin applications.

Johannes also has a strong interest in performance testing with Gatling and JMeter. Outside of work, he enjoys going to the gym, reading good books, and spending time with his family.

As you can see, Expert Chat is a diverse team from around the globe. It reflects the diversity of Vaadin developers and means that our Expert Chat team is empowered to help with our user’s diverse needs.

How Expert Chat works

It’s easy to access Expert Chat. First, ensure that you’re signed in to with the user who has a seat for Vaadin Prime or Ultimate. Next, look out for the Expert Chart icon that appears on all pages of the Vaadin website. To access Expert Chat, just click the Chat icon in the bottom right corner.


Look for this icon in the bottom right of your screen.

Expert Chat is available between 7 am to 8 pm GMT from Monday to Friday,
with some exceptions.

The experts behind Vaadin’s Expert Chat have years of experience in Vaadin technology. If they cannot answer your question right away, our experts can always turn to internal technical resources within the company so you can expect a quick response to your technical issue.

Note that while our experts are happy to offer advice, they’re unable to help with implementing software and UX design. Experts can’t provide hands-on sessions that require screen sharing or similar tools.

Examples of how Expert Chat helped Vaadin users

We get a variety of questions from our users. For example, one of our users wanted to know where to find the minimum and maximum values from Vaadin Charts DataSeries – and our expert quickly replied with a code snippet. Other scenarios illustrating common technical challenges faced by Vaadin customers include:

  •   A question we often see is how to migrate Vaadin 8's FileDownloader to Vaadin 24. Our experts will quickly direct you to use the Anchor component, the File Download Wrapper add-on, or the Flow Viritin add-on. Learn more about migrating Vaadin 8 add-ons to Vaadin 24.
  •   CSS can be tricky, and on multiple occasions, Vaadin experts successfully assisted customers by providing the exact CSS needed for their applications to achieve the desired output.
  •   In one Expert Chat session, we helped a user understand when a keydown and keypress listener should be used and helped the user write a code section that met their requirement.

These are just a few examples of the many questions our team helps solve on a daily.

Benefits of using Expert Chat

The biggest benefit of Expert Chat is immediate access to expert advice and technical support—right when you need it—from the Vaadin experts who built the technology. This helps accelerate development and reduce project downtime.

Our community-driven Vaadin forum is also known to deliver good, expert advice from knowledgeable users. But responses to queries on the Vaadin forum are not instantaneous (and you’re not guaranteed an answer). Besides, a public forum is not the place to seek answers if your project is under NDA.

In contrast, you can confidentially talk to Vaadin through Expert Chat and get quick answers. Our users like the fast resolution the most, as Tino Reichardt at HDI says about his team’s experience of Expert Chat: "Support from Vaadin was incredible. I loved it! My questions were answered in two minutes—faster than I can grab a coffee!"

Get started with Expert Chat

Getting started with Expert Chat is easy! If you are a Prime or Ultimate subscriber, Expert Chat is already included in your subscription package. We encourage you to reach out to Expert Chat by clicking on the Expert Chat button – no question is too simple or too complex.

If you don’t have access to Expert Chat but see the value in it, consider upgrading to a higher subscription tier. Check out what’s included.

Tried Expert Chat before? We’d love to hear your feedback in the comments!

Lilli Salo
Lilli Salo
Lilli joined Vaadin in 2021 after delivering content for various international SaaS startups. She enjoys the creative challenge of transforming complicated topics into clear and concise written material that provide value to the reader.
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