
Vaadin Cruise 2016 signup is open

Tanja Repo
On Jan 5, 2016 1:25:00 PM

We are going cruising.
Will you join us? 

Vaadin Cruise is a long tradition of cruising on the icy Baltic Sea for a night and ending up in Stockholm for one of the largest Scandinavian Java conferences, Jfokus 2016. It’s a great way to get to know the Vaadin people, a unique experience of cruising on a 218m long ship in the icy Baltic and joining Jfokus in Stockholm. And Vaadin Cruise is completely free!

You’ll join Vaadin Cruise in the evening of Monday, February 8th 2016 and arrive in Stockholm on the 9th. Jfokus alone has some 1500 attendees and 50 speeches from world class speakers

The free Vaadin Cruise has presentations by Tim Berglund from DataStax, Baruch Sadogursky from Jfrog, Sampsa Sohlman from Liferay, and Matti Tahvonen from Vaadin.

The agenda for the cruise on Monday, February 8th 2016 is:

20:55 M/S Viking Grace leaves from Turku, Finland to Stockholm, Sweden

21:00 Meetup starts with refreshments & networking
21:15 Opening and welcome, Matti Tahvonen, Vaadin
21:30 Introduction to Apache Cassandra, Tim Berglund
22:05 OSGi based Liferay 7 and how to use it with Vaadin, Sampsa Sohlman, Liferay
22:40 Continuously building, releasing and deploying software: The Revenge of the Machines!, Baruch Sadogursky
23:15 Q & A's + closing words, Matti Tahvonen, Vaadin

Learn about Vaadin, meet the Vaadin team, learn new things and join the cruise today!


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Tanja Repo
Tanja Repo is Vaadin's Marketing Magician which means her responsibilities are marketing communication and its coordination in all its glory. Tanja has vast experience around events and has worked with various software industry players. Technology has always been a mystery to her, that she wants to unveil. Loves to laugh, smile and drive around with her Vespa. You can follow her on Twitter – @RenjaTapo
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