Use GWT widget as Polymer web component

So you got an existing GWT widget and you would like to publish it to a pure html/JS audience preferably as a Web Component. In this case you have a problem but hopefully this article will help you resolve that problem. Extra hacks necessary to get it working GWT 2.7.0: enable Js interop ...

Using DeltaSpike properties for more portable application binaries

I recently wrote an example application to create invoices. In it I used Google’s OAuth2 authentication, which naturally requires application specific API keys and secrets from Google that I cannot share publicly in the demo sources. As OAuth2 was just one thing I wanted to demonstrate, I wanted ...

Implementing sign-in with Google’s OAuth 2 services

Traditionally all public web apps have had their own authentication mechanisms, typically implemented with application specific username-password pairs. The approach is straightforward to set up for web developers, but also infamously difficult to do right (not at all or too weak hashing of ...

JCache, why and how?

Caching is needed in many different kinds of solutions to optimize the application in various ways. Discover what Jcache is and why you need it. Why, where and how could you use it? Caching libraries in the Java ecosystem is almost as common as mosquitoes in Northern Europe. Ehcache, Hazelcast, ...

How we improved the startup time in 7.5

When you are making your web applications for non-intranet usage (or for mobile users via VPN), you cannot emphasize the importance of compression too much. Google’s developer tools will blame you for missing compression and we have written several articles about this previously. Still, we have ...

Vaadin 7.5 - Grid Extensions

Vaadin 7.5 - Grid Extensions Vaadin 7.5 brought some new visible features for the Grid component, but there was also another big, not so visible, change. In Vaadin 7.5, there is now a new abstract base class AbstractGridExtension that contains helpers for Grid extensions. It contains functionality ...

Vaadin Charts 2.1 Released!

We are proud to announce a new final release: Vaadin Charts 2.1. We added new chart types, series types and features for you to enjoy. A new chart type: Tree Maps. Check out a live sample. A new series type: Polygon Series for drawing custom areas to your charts. Check out a live sample. A new ...

Community Spotlight - June 2015

It is time to wrap up some latest community activities. Yet another alternative JVM language supported Kotlin is a programming language developed by JetBrains (the company behind IntelliJ IDEA, TeamCity and lots of other development tools). It is typically compiled to Java bytecode and executed in ...

Vaadin Font Icons

If you love font icons then I have good news for you. I have been working hard to finish our own Vaadin Font Icon collection. Vaadin Font Icons are completely free and the collection includes 530 unique icons. Check out for more information on the Icons from Vaadin Font Icons site. Fonts icons are ...