Vaadin Dev Day videos published

Vaadin Dev Day Raleigh and Dev Day Munich are just around the corner, so we wanted to release the material from the previous Dev Days. Those Vaadin Dev Days were held in Berlin and New York in May. If you couldn’t attend then, we now have made the video recordings available for you. The topics ...

Building Progressive Web Apps: Webinar and Tutorial

Progressive Web Apps are web applications that utilize the best features of the web to provide app-like experiences. As users visit your web app, the apps progressively become more like native apps with offline support, push notifications, and the ability to add your web app to the home screen of ...

We Are Vaadin - Devarsh Desai

I caught up with Devarsh Desai on an Ask Me Anything session via Skype. We discussed how the last few months have been, the challenges he faces ahead, and any advice he might have for new candidates. Devarsh met the team at an HTML5 Developer Group talk at Google in San Francisco. “It was actually ...

Vaadin Grid 1.2.0-beta Released

The Vaadin Elements team is hard at work bringing more features to Vaadin Core Elements, and we’d like to share the release of vaadin-grid 1.2.0-beta1. This pre-release will let you use the latest version of vaadin-grid while we finalize the stable release of vaadin-grid 1.2.0. In addition to bug ...

How to use GWT 2.8 in Vaadin applications today

GWT 2.8 brings a bunch of interesting new features and improvements for Vaadin client-side developers. Some of the most interesting features are Java 8 support and a matured JsInterop. You can catch up with other new developments from the GWT Release Notes. At the time of writing this, GWT 2.8 is ...

Community Spotlight - September 2016

Do the words JProfiler or Install4j sound familiar to you? Well, they are both popular products developed by ej-technologies and for this month’s Community Spotlight, I had the pleasure of talking with one of its founders, Ingo Kegel. Ingo and his team used Vaadin to develop the front end of their ...

Vaadin community survey - learn more about our users!

Vaadin today has an active community of over 150 000 developers, which is why it’s vital for us to know more about you so we could serve you better. In order to do this, we ran a community survey in August with over 15 questions. Over 250 of you answered so let’s have a look at what you said. Part ...

Vaadin Framework 8 comes with Java 8 native APIs

For a web framework whose history spans back 15 years, Vaadin Framework contains an insane number of modern web technologies. It has been an SPA (single-page application) before the term was coined, it uses WebSockets for a constantly open communication channel, Sass for enhanced theme building and ...

Framework roadmap: Connecting the dots

Soon after we founded Vaadin 16 years ago, I started the habit of frequently blogging about roadmaps. The fact that I have been less vocal about our plans might seem strange considering that we have multiplied our investments in R&D at the same time. In total, we today have over 130 persons in ...