How to Measure Migration Effort with Migration Assessment

Desktop or Web applications based on deprecated technologies tend to become more expensive to maintain, are no longer supported, or simply have a drop in performance that pushes users away. Most often, the solution is to migrate to a modern platform that can ensure that your business Web ...

How to become an open source contributor?

We are utilizing a lot of Open Source products in our life daily. Sometimes we pay some money for them, in one way or another, but quite often we are just their users. To keep these awesome projects alive, we should at least sometimes try to contribute, give something back to the project. There are ...

Uploads and downloads, inputs and outputs

Vaadin Upload asks the developer to provide an OutputStream where the framework can stream the file content. Vaadin StreamResource (~ download) asks the developer to provide an InputStream the framework can read and stream to a user. Intuitive? Not really, unless you have accustomed to this ...

Integrate JQuery into Vaadin Flow

JQuery used to be one of the top JavaScript libraries and it is still really popular today. This tutorial demonstrates three alternative ways to integrate jQuery in your Vaadin project and check that it’s loaded. Note This tutorial requires Vaadin 14 in npm mode (this is the default mode). Option ...

Year in Review from a Fresh Vaadiner’s Perspective

As another year of fighting for simplicity nears its end, we’re taking a look back at what we have done in 2018 and what the future holds in store for us. Even though I’ve joined the Vaadin team quite recently, I had the chance to witness some of the following developments first-hand. Read on to ...

Testing the UI without a browser

Martin Fowler has introduced a metaphor Test Pyramid, to suggest that you should only write a fraction of end-to-end tests compared to small unit tests. It is not because end-to-end tests, like the ones using Vaadin TestBench or Selenium, are worse. They are actually better as they test all parts ...

LitElement and PWA

In the first four tutorials in this series, we’ve built an app with LitElement, using Redux for state management, Vaadin Router for navigation and Webpack for building and code splitting. In this final tutorial, we turn the application into an offline-capable Progressive Web App. If you didn’t do ...

Navigation and code splitting in a LitElement project

So far in this tutorial series, we have built an app with LitElement and connected it to a Redux store for state management. In this tutorial, we add a new view for stats to learn how to navigate between views and how to split code for performance. If you didn’t do the previous steps of the ...

Using Redux in a LitElement app

In this third tutorial, you’ll learn how to use Redux for state management in a LitElement application. Check out the first two tutorials to learn how to set up a LitElement application and how to use lit-html for templating. If you aren’t interested in Redux, feel free to skip over this tutorial ...