Vaadin Blog

Improve your development speed with Vite
Vaadin 22 comes with a new experimental feature that allows you to use Vite for the front-end build instead of webpack. The development server startup should be faster, and the changes you make to your code should be visible faster in the browser. We have observed significant improvements to build ...

Techniques of Enterprise Application Modernization
You would have to search far and wide to find a company that isn’t thinking about digital transformation at some level or making it a strategic priority. A study by IBM found that modernizing existing applications and infrastructure is a top digital transformation goal for over 40% of IT decision ...

The evolution of the software industry with Andrea Bosio
Andrea Bosio is one of the winners of the Vaadin Community Award 2021. Andrea started his career in software development in 1995 as a trading system software developer in the financial industry. In 2006, he started a new company in the e-commerce sector, Zero11. The company initially provided ...

V22 is here!
The latest feature release, Vaadin 22, is here! New on the table is stateless Fusion, official Quarkus support for Flow, and updates to the Vaadin components, such as compatibility with assistive technologies. The previous release will continue to receive support for a month. Ready to dive right ...

Java and moving business logic to the database with Syam Pillai
Syam Pillai has vast experience in software development. He started in 1986 and continues to work in software projects as the Group Head of IT at Habib Bank AG Zurich. He is one of the winners of the Vaadin Community Award 2021. What programming languages have you used professionally? I started ...

On Java and modernization of web applications with Simon Martinelli
Simon Martinelli is a software developer with extensive experience in Java. With contributions to JSRs and talks in multiple international events, he is an established figure in the Java world! He is one of the winners of the Vaadin Community Award 2021. How do you see the recent evolution of Java ...

What's new in Fusion?
Fusion has been a part of the Vaadin platform since V15. It’s a Java + TypeScript web framework for building reactive web applications. As we plan for the release of V22 in December, we thought it would be a great opportunity to highlight the history of Fusion and what’s in store for the future. ...

Upcoming accessibility improvements
Recent EU directives on accessibility (and similar legislation, for example, in the US) impose new requirements on both public and private sector websites and applications. The accessibility of Vaadin components is being improved in Vaadin 22 and 23 to ensure painless compliance and usability. What ...

Discovering the Vaadin Java web framework with Adrián Szegedi
Adrián Szegedi is one of the winners of the Vaadin Community Award 2021. He is among the most active users in the Vaadin Discord server, constantly sharing knowledge and helping others with their technical challenges. You might recognize him by his nickname there—Hawk. Adrián is from Slovakia and ...