
Meet us at DevNexus, JFokus, Devoxx UK and more in 2022

Lilli Salo
Lilli Salo
On Apr 8, 2022 7:34:29 PM

Upcoming events (4)

After two years of canceled, in-person conferences and events due to the pandemic, we are excited to announce that we’ll finally be hitting the road again! We are looking forward to meeting all the new and old friends of the Vaadin community face-to-face once again. 

If you’re planning to visit one of the following events, come say hello! We’re always down for a chat and hearing all about your experience and the cool things you’ve built with Vaadin.

Visit our booth at DevNexus and JFokus this spring

We have a booth at DevNexus 2022 in Atlanta, USA as well as at JFokus 2022 in Stockholm, Sweden. The booth is staffed with Vaadin developers and features hands-on demos of all the latest Vaadin products. Come by and ask your Vaadin questions or just to say hi.

Devoxx UK 2022

May 11th - 13th, London, UK

Marcus Hellberg, Interim VP of DevRel and Marketing, will host a talk on Building modern web apps with full-stack type safety at Devoxx UK this year. In this live session, you'll learn how to build a modern, reactive, web app in TypeScript with view-to-database type safety through live code examples. We'll use Spring Boot on the backend and Google's Lit library on the frontend, connecting the two with the new Hilla framework from Vaadin. 

Spring IO 2022

May 26th - 27th, Barcelona Spain

Manolo Carrasco Moñino, Release lead at Vaadin, will be giving a presentation on Java meets Typescript at Spring IO in Barcelona. In addition, Vaadin Community Award 2021 winner, Simon Martinelli from 72Services, will showcase Vaadin Flow in his talk You may not need JavaScript.

See the full list of events and conferences that we’ll be attending on our Events page.

Upcoming Vaadin events and webinars

In addition to speaking at external conferences, we will continue to host regular live streams, webinars and AMAs (Ask-me-anything) online. 

Webinars and In the Sauna with Vaadin AMAs

These events focus on providing our community with insights into our roadmap, product development processes and upcoming features. The format includes a presentation by a Vaadin team member and / or an ask-me-anything Q&A session.

Don’t miss out on our upcoming Vaadin roadmap 2022 webinar on Thursday, April 21st 2022 at 15:00. Expect updates on Vaadin Flow, insights on what we're currently building as well as our future vision for Flow. Save your seat

Vaadin Office Hours

Drop by our monthly Office Hours to find the answers to your technical questions on all things Vaadin. Our team members from DevRel, Products and R&D will be there at-hand to help you out.  

The next Vaadin Office Hours will take place on Tuesday, April 26th 2022 at 17:00 EEST. Register here.

Missed one of our webinars?

No worries! You can always catch up on demand by clicking “Watch now” on our Events page. Alternatively, all recordings of our live streams are made available on YouTube after the streaming has ended.

We look forward to seeing you at one of the upcoming events - whether in-person or online! In the meantime, stay tuned on all the latest Vaadin updates and news by following us on Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook.

Lilli Salo
Lilli Salo
Lilli joined Vaadin in 2021 after delivering content for various international SaaS startups. She enjoys the creative challenge of transforming complicated topics into clear and concise written material that provide value to the reader.
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