
Displaying charts in Vaadin Spreadsheet 1.2

Jens Jansson
Jens Jansson
On Jul 20, 2016 8:30:00 AM

Vaadin Spreadsheet was already a very capable component, but today it got a lot smarter. The simplest recipe for spreadsheet in your web application is still the same: add the spreadsheet component to your application layout and throw an Excel at it. Now, as an added bonus in version 1.2, if the Excel file contains charts, Vaadin Spreadsheet will display the charts nicely in a collapsible overlay on the sheet.

To take it into use, you only need a special vaadin-spreadsheet-charts package in your build. If you are using Maven, add the following in your pom.xml:


Next you just compile your widgetset or use the new widgetset CDN and there you have it. This of course requires that you have an active license for both Vaadin Charts and Vaadin Spreadsheet – great news to all Pro Tools subscribers. Check out the spreadsheet integration demo at and remember that both Charts and Spreadsheet have free trial licenses available.

Jens Jansson
Jens Jansson
Product Manager at Vaadin. Vaadin developer and expert. Gamer and coder. - -
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