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SQACE – The low-code data platform for business and IT built with Vaadin

Lilli Salo
Lilli Salo
On Jun 19, 2023 3:02:00 PM

SQACE is built with Vaadin Flow V24 and Vaadin Charts. The utilization of Vaadin has led to improved efficiency, enabling the team at FINARIS to develop faster with reduced overhead. Continue reading to discover more about the project.

The company: A partner of the financial world

SQACE is a division of FINARIS, a German IT consulting company specializing in banking for the European financial industry and the manufacturer of the RapidRep Software Suites - a solution for automated data testing in the backend.

With over 15 years of experience in backend testing using RapidRep, FINARIS has identified key factors for cost-efficient data testing. However, these key factors are often overlooked in existing solutions. This led to the birth of SQACE, an integrated low-code data platform that empowers users to work sustainably, homogeneously, and efficiently with data and data processes.

The project: Powered by Vaadin Flow V24 and Charts

SQACE is an all-in-one, low-code platform that follows data mesh principles, enabling seamless collaboration between business and IT experts to analyze, process, and test data. Built using Vaadin Flow V24 and Charts, SQACE provides a powerful environment for efficient data management and exploration.

With an innovative and appealing GUI, users can easily master their data missions using intuitive and self-explanatory visual components designed for many data tasks, including data testing. The space-themed interface, where users build spaceships to navigate the data universe and complete missions, creates an extraordinary experience when working with data.


With a rich set of visual no/low-code components, SQACE empowers non-technical experts to work comprehensively with data and perform data tests. It also provides IT experts with powerful SQL coding components and a range of features, including a robust templating engine, syntax highlighting, and code completion. Users have the flexibility to combine visual and coding components, ensuring transparency and visibility of SQL code generated by visual components. SQACE is designed to unleash the full potential of all team members, regardless of their IT skills, and foster seamless collaboration within data projects.

According to FINARIS, SQACE fills a gap by seamlessly integrating data testing capabilities with data analytics and processing capabilities. This integration enables organizations to unlock the full potential of their business experts, delivering results faster and with better quality. With SQACE, end users are relieved from the burden of dealing with a multitude of tools that can quickly become cumbersome, time-consuming, and insurmountable hurdles for some.

Why Vaadin?

The team at FINARIS was looking for a technology that fits well into the Java ecosystem, gives their team as much control and independence as possible, and has good server-side functionality in Java. They considered alternative web frameworks like Google SWT, Microsoft’s Blazor, React, and Angular. However, after trialing Vaadin Flow, they were very impressed with the level of productivity it can offer. Now, their team is able to work more efficiently in small teams, and with that comes less overhead, so they can develop even faster.

What comes out of Vaadin is usually very impressive, so it must be a good tool! Building a web user interface with a great user experience is very complicated. However, Vaadin makes it easy to build very powerful UIs in a short time.

- Hermann Friebel, CEO, FINARIS

The result: A game-changing platform for efficient data testing, processing, and analysis

FINARIS has developed the SQACE platform over a period of 3 years, and it is currently available for pilot customers with an upcoming release. The initial feedback has been positive, with customers praising the application’s look and feel, user-friendliness, and how powerful the platform is.

SQACE holds significant potential as it is not limited to any specific market and can be applied worldwide. With data playing an increasingly crucial role in businesses, there is a growing need for innovative solutions that enable companies to process, analyze, and test data more efficiently while unlocking the full potential of all employees involved in the data processes, regardless of their IT skill level. To explore SQACE and its capabilities further, please visit

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Lilli Salo
Lilli Salo
Lilli joined Vaadin in 2021 after delivering content for various international SaaS startups. She enjoys the creative challenge of transforming complicated topics into clear and concise written material that provide value to the reader.
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