
SO Helper - Vaadin Add-on Directory

A set of helper classes for Vaadin related development. SO Helper - Vaadin Add-on Directory
It is currently being used in the following projects. (1) (2)
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SO Helper version 1.0.0
Initial release

SO Helper version 1.0.2
Complied with Vaadin version 18.0.3 and Java 11 Removed unwanted files from the jar.

SO Helper version 2.0.0
Version 1.0.2 is Vaadin 18.x compatible and version 2.0.0 is Vaadin 14.x compatible. It is currently being used in the following projects. (1) (2)

SO Helper version 2.1.0
Compiled with Vaadin 14.5.1 and Java 11. Compatible with Vaadin 14.5.x and 18.x upwards.

SO Helper version 2.1.2
Compiled with Vaadin 14.8.1 and Java 11. Support for TS is added.

SO Helper version 3.0.0
Compiled with Vaadin 23.0.9 and Java 17.

SO Helper version 4.0.0
Version 4.0.0 Compiled with Vaadin 24.6.5 and Java 17.