
SO Components - Vaadin Add-on Directory

A set of Vaadin Flow Components and Abstractions SO Components - Vaadin Add-on Directory
# SO Components A set of Vaadin Flow Components and Abstractions (Sample screenshots are from a commercial application under development that uses this add-on) ## Dependencies Ver 3.0.0 or later (helper classes) Ver 5.4.0 or later (for field formatting features). Ver 1.11 (for SVG image manipulation). ## Use Cases There are 2 different ways of using this add-on. ### Normal Use It can be used to utilize the components (especially "fields" and "forms") available in this add-on. The "form" concept here supports a mechanism that doesn't require direct use of Vaadin's "Binder" classes to create data entry forms. A hidden binder does all the tricks. Also, there are two notable classes: DataGrid and TreeDataGrid. These classes are enhanced versions of Vaadin's Grid and TreeGrid respectively. Two layout classes are worth mentioning: ButtonLayout and GridLayout. A Dashboard class is also available. ### Single-Page Application This is the 2nd use case. Single-page applications typically use an "application layout" with a "menu area" and "content area". The content area displays the current "view". A view may be any sort of information displayed in the content area. It could be a "data entry screen", some sort of chart or a dashboard. This add-on contains certain classes to create different "views" including "data entry screens". Please see the documentation of the Application class to get an idea of how to create a single-page application. ## Documentation Most classes are documented with some explanation about its usage. Please see the API documentation: ## Source Code Available at ## Sample Starter Application Available at