
MapLibreGL }> add-on - Vaadin Add-on Directory

An extension to Vaadin that provides a Java API for MapLibreGL slippy map component with modern vector layer support. MapLibreGL }> add-on - Vaadin Add-on Directory
[MapLibre GL]( is a prominent OSS project creating a modern slippy map component. It was born as a fork of the great work done by engineers at [MapBox]( and their JS SDK and is to some level API compatible. This project packages that JS component as Vaadin component with clean Java API. You can directly pass [JTS]( objects for the add-on to render. Features of the }> integration: * Show vector tile maps as background layer * Plot markers, lines and polygons on the map using the "standard" JTS data types. * Binder compatible editor components for Point, LineString and Polygon data types. For code examples, check out the [spatial-spring-boot-example]( and tests in the project GH repository in src/test/java directory. Online demos: * [Marker, MapTiler base layer & user geolocation]( * [Editor fields](
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MapLibreGL }> add-on version 0.0.1

MapLibreGL }> add-on version 0.0.2

MapLibreGL }> add-on version 0.0.3

MapLibreGL }> add-on version 0.0.4

MapLibreGL }> add-on version 0.0.5

MapLibreGL }> add-on version 0.0.6

MapLibreGL }> add-on version 1.0.0

MapLibreGL }> add-on version 1.0.1

MapLibreGL }> add-on version 1.1.0

MapLibreGL }> add-on version 1.1.1

MapLibreGL }> add-on version 1.2.0

MapLibreGL }> add-on version 1.3.0

MapLibreGL }> add-on version 1.3.1

MapLibreGL }> add-on version 1.3.2

MapLibreGL }> add-on version 1.3.3

MapLibreGL }> add-on version 1.3.4

MapLibreGL }> add-on version 1.3.5