
Auto Form Filler - Vaadin Add-on Directory

AutoFormFiller is a Java-based web application that uses Vaadin components and OpenAI GPT-3.5 (or provided AI webservice call) to automatically fill out forms based on user prompts. Auto Form Filler - Vaadin Add-on Directory
AutoFormFiller is a cutting-edge web application that harnesses the capabilities of OpenAI's GPT-3.5 to fill out forms automatically based on user prompts. These prompts can be derived from parsed emails, speech-to-text conversions, or users typing plain English in a text box. Developed on the Vaadin framework, AutoFormFiller seamlessly integrates with numerous Vaadin components such as TextField, ComboBox, Checkbox, DatePicker, and Grid. This innovative application is designed to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of data entry tasks while minimizing manual effort. Its adaptable and extensible architecture allows it to accommodate a wide range of use cases, making AutoFormFiller an indispensable tool for businesses and developers alike.