
Vaadin TestBench - Vaadin Add-on Directory

An environment for automated user interface regression testing of Vaadin applications on multiple platforms and browsers Vaadin TestBench - Vaadin Add-on Directory
Vaadin TestBench is an environment used for automated user interface regression testing of Vaadin applications on multiple platforms and browsers. Vaadin TestBench allows you to run tests on the UI after a build and catch problems created by changes to the business logic. This helps you catch problems that affect the UI functionality early on, before they become a real problem. For more information see: #Maven users To install Testbench with Maven, please add the following as your dependency. Note that the scope is important. ``` com.vaadin vaadin-testbench 5.3.1 test ``` #Non Maven users You can download vaadin-testbench-standalone.jar from [github]( Standalone package includes all the dependencies to run Vaadin Testbench.
Issue Tracker
Product Website
Discussion Forum
Firefox ESR
Product Manual
License Installation Instructions
TestBench Core API
TestBench Element API

Vaadin TestBench version 3.1.3
- Update to Selenium 2.40.0 - Bug fixes relating to error handling when elements are not found - Removed a workaround no longer necessary in newer Chrome and PhantomJS versions

Vaadin TestBench version 4.2.1
The main improvement is: - Fixed 949: Avoid an infinite loop when trying to find the innermost driver

Vaadin TestBench version 4.2.2
Queries return all elements found in all Vaadin clients

Vaadin TestBench version 6.0.1
TestBench 6.0.1 for Vaadin 10. Check release notes in [github](

Vaadin TestBench version 5.2.0
Check release notes in [github](

Vaadin TestBench version 6.2.1
TestBench 6.2.1 for Vaadin 10. Check release notes in [github](

Vaadin TestBench version 9.0.0

Vaadin TestBench version 9.0.1

Vaadin TestBench version 5.3.2